This is a legacy article for our TV-connected Tablo DVRs. Tablo 4th Generation is currently our most advanced offering.
Below are troubleshooting steps to help resolve common issues on the Tablo HDMI.
Table of Contents
Power Cycle the Tablo HDMI
First and foremost, we recommend power cycling your Tablo HDMI if you encounter any kind of minor issue. This includes connectivity issues, buffering, error messages, 'loading spinners', etc.
Power cycling the Tablo HDMI can and will resolve the majority of most minor issues. This can be done safely by removing the Tablo HDMI's power adapter from the back of the unit for 2-3 seconds and then reinserting it. The Tablo HDMI will take 2-3 minutes to boot back up.
Clear User Interface Data
If you are experiencing connectivity issues or unknown errors, select the CLEAR USER INTERFACE DATA button found at the bottom of the SETTINGS screen (shown below). None of your user preferences or data (including schedules and recordings) will be deleted.
Factory Reset the Tablo HDMI
If you continue to experience issues with your Tablo HDMI, you may consider performing a factory reset. While this process will solve many issues, it will also erase both schedules and recordings, so this should be performed as a last resort. More details on a factory reset and the steps to perform one can be found below:
What is A Factory Reset?
When a factory reset is performed on the Tablo DUAL HDMI or Tablo QUAD HDMI, it is restored to its 'out-of-the-box' state and is essentially running as a new unit. The Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI database and all troubleshooting logs will be erased, along with all recordings and recording schedules available on the attached hard drive.
Your Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI's current firmware version will be maintained during the factory reset.
You may wish to perform a factory reset on Tablo for one of the following reasons:
- You are selling your Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI.
- You are giving your Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI to a new owner.
- You have tried absolutely everything else to fix your Tablo (including talking to our amazing Tablo Support representatives).
A factory reset should not be attempted as a standard troubleshooting step, it should only be done as a last resort by someone who knows what they’re doing.
By factory resetting the device, any and all old data accumulated during your usage of the device is erased including information that could be critical for Tablo Support representatives to provide accurate troubleshooting assistance.
Before attempting a factory reset, we recommend trying some of the more basic troubleshooting steps found in this article of the Tablo Knowledge Base.
If these steps do not successfully solve your issue, we recommend consulting the Tablo Knowledge Base, Tablo Community or Tablo Support Team for further assistance.
If you would still like to proceed with a factory reset, the steps are as follows:
WARNING: Proceeding with the factory reset steps below will erase all recordings and recording schedules from your Tablo HDMI.
- Remove the hard drive (if attached) from your Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI.
- Remove the power adapter from the Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI.
- Insert a small pin through the hole located on the bottom of the Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI.
- Attached the power adapter to the Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI while holding the pin in place.
- Wait for "erasing" message on screen, release pin.
- Wait for the Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI to boot up.
- You will then be taken through the Setup Guide.