This is a legacy article, there are currently no 4th Generation Tablo apps compatible with laptops or desktops.
Apple computer users can access the Tablo web app at via the Safari browser.
Support for the web app on Windows PCs via Chrome browser has ended in favor of Tablo's Windows 10 app.
As of version 95.0. the Microsoft Edge browser has made changes that prevent the Tablo web app ( from being supported on this browser however, Firefox is still supported on Windows.
The Tablo account portal at (for subscription management) is supported on both MAC and PC via Safari or Firefox.
If you are using a supported browser and run into any issues, make sure your browser is up to date and disable any plugins your browser is running.
If you continue to experience any unexpected errors while using either the Tablo Web App or Tablo Subscription portal, make sure you are using a supported browser/operating system combination.
While other browsers may function, they have not been optimized and can cause problems.