To see how to set recordings for legacy Tablo DVRs, go here.
4th Generation Tablo relies on the TV Guide Data it downloads each night to schedule recordings. This grants 14 days of guide data at no additional cost.
Two types of recordings can be set on 4th Generation Tablo DVRs: one-time and series recordings. Both types of recordings have advanced recording options to fine-tune your scheduling.
Table of Contents
One-Time Recordings
From the Tablo app, navigate to any one of the following pages: LIVE, SHOW, MOVIES or SPORTS.
Select the show you are interested in recording.
If you're navigating from the SHOWS or SPORTS guide screens instead of the live TV grid, you may need to scroll down to select the specific episode/airing you wish to record.
Series Recordings
From the Tablo app, navigate to any one of the following pages: LIVE, SHOWS, MOVIES or SPORTS.
Select the show you are interested in recording.
Select RECORD ALL or RECORD NEW. New episodes will not include reruns.
Series recordings are not available on one-time airings such as special events.
Advanced Recording Options
Recording options allow you to customize how a series is recorded.
- Record all or new Episodes.
- Start and end the recording early or late.
- Keep a specified number of episodes before deleting the oldest first.
- In cases where an airing is present on multiple channels, specify which channel you wish to record from.
You can access recording options by navigating to TABLO > LIBRARY > SCHEDULED > SELECT A SHOW > SERIES RECORDING OPTIONS.
If you wish to remove all advanced recording options from a series, you can select USE DEFAULTS.