How To Change or Edit Your 4th Generation Tablo's Wi-Fi Network

Tablo David
Tablo David
  • Updated

Looking for instructions on how to edit the Wi-Fi network to which your legacy Tablo is connected? Click here


Editing your Tablo's Wi-Fi credentials is only required if your Tablo is connected to your network via Wi-Fi AND you have recently made significant changes to your home network

For example, if you've:

  • Purchased a new WiFi router
  • Changed your WiFi router's name (SSID) or password
  • Changed internet service providers
  • Moved your Tablo to a different home

In these cases, you will need to change or edit your Tablo's WiFi network credentials to re-connect it to your router or connect it to a new router.

NOTE - The capability to edit the Wi-Fi credentials of a 4th generation Tablo is currently only available via the iOS app. Support for Android will be coming soon. 


Before Editing Your Tablo's WiFi Credentials

Ensure that your Tablo is NOT connected via Ethernet before following the steps below.

If it is, remove the Ethernet cable and reboot the Tablo by tapping the reset button on the bottom of the unit, then wait ~1 minute before proceeding to the steps below.




STEP 1 - Access Your Profile Screen

First, select the profile icon in the top right of the Tablo app. 




This will take you to your Tablo profile page which will show your name, the email address, and the Tablo device(s) connected to your Tablo account. 

Tablo devices that are available on your home network and currently selected (i.e. the Tablo you were just using) will be shown with a white Tablo icon, like Tablo 1 below. 

Tablo devices that are available on your home network and are not currently selected (i.e. not the Tablo you were just using) will be shown with a dark blue Tablo icon, like Tablo 2 below. 




Tablo devices that are no longer available on your home network will be marked with an orange exclamation mark flag. 



STEP 2 - Select the Tablo Whose Wi-Fi Credentials You Want to Edit

From the list on your profile screen, select the Tablo whose Wi-Fi credentials you want to edit. 

In this example, we're selecting Tablo 2


STEP 3 - Select Edit Wi-Fi

This will take you to a screen with several options. In this case, you'll want to select EDIT WI-FI




When you select EDIT WI-FI, you'll see a confirmation dialog box. Select YES, EDIT WI-FI if you're sure you want to continue.




You will then be taken to a secondary confirmation screen with a reminder that the changes prompting the need to edit your Tablo's Wi-Fi credentials should already have been made. (For example, if you have a new Wi-Fi router, it should already be installed and working.)




If this is the case, select CONTINUE.


STEP 4 - Complete Steps to Connect Your Tablo

The app will then walk you through the required steps to connect your Tablo to your home network using your new Wi-Fi network credentials. 




STEP 5 - Wait for Confirmation

Once you have completed the steps required to connect your Tablo to your home network using your new Wi-Fi network credentials, you will need to wait for the unit to finish connecting and reboot. 

The screen below will dismiss automatically when your Tablo is ready for use. 

