What's the Difference Between Tablo Network-Connected and TV-Connected Legacy Products?

Tablo Support - Brittany
Tablo Support - Brittany
  • Updated


New legacy Tablo DVR products are no longer available for purchase.

Tablo 4th Generation DVRs work very much like network-connected Tablo DVRs and are our current recommended choice.

For more information about those products go here


There are two types of legacy Tablo DVRs: network-connected and TV-connected.


Network-Connected Tablo DVRs do not connect to your television. Instead, they connect to your home's router and use Wi-Fi or Ethernet to distribute live and recorded TV  content via apps on a variety of devices including smartphones, tablets, streaming set-top-boxes, Smart TVs and computers. This type of Tablo DVR doesn't need its own remote.

Network-Connected Tablo DVRs include Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL 128GBTablo QUAD, and Tablo QUAD 1TB


TV-Connected DVRs are designed for TV lovers who prefer a traditional set-top-box DVR experience with a dedicated remote and who primarily watch programming on a single television. They connect directly to your television while at the same time providing the DVR interface that Tablo customers know and love. 

TV-Connected Tablos DVRs include Tablo DUAL HDMI, and Tablo QUAD HDMI


Things To Consider When Deciding Which Legacy Tablo is Best for You:

There are a few different factors to take into consideration when deciding which Tablo is the best fit for you. These factors include:


Do you have a large family and/or channel lineup?

    • Large Family/Lineup – consider our QUAD models: Tablo QUADTablo QUAD 1TBTablo QUAD HDMI
    • Small Family/Lineup – consider our DUAL models: Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL 128GBTablo DUAL HDMI


Where do you typically watch TV?

    • Single TV – consider our TV-connected models: Tablo DUAL HDMITablo QUAD HDMI
    • Multiple TVs & Mobile Devices – consider our network-connected models: Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL 128GBTablo QUADTablo QUAD 1TB


Where is your TV antenna in relation to your TV?

    • Antenna Near TV – consider our TV-connected models: Tablo DUAL HDMITablo QUAD HDMI
    • Antenna Far From TV – consider our network-connected models: Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL 128GBTablo QUADTablo QUAD 1TB


Do you have a solid home Wi-Fi network and consistent internet access?

    • Great Home Network/Internet Connection – consider our network-connected models: Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL 128GBTablo QUADTablo QUAD 1TB
    • Poor Home Network/Spotty Internet Connection – consider our TV-connected models: Tablo DUAL HDMITablo QUAD HDMI


Do you want the simplicity of onboard storage?

    • Onboard Storage – Consider our storage-included models: Tablo DUAL 128GBTablo QUAD 1TB
    • Bring Your Own Storage – Consider our standard models: Tablo DUAL LITETablo DUAL HDMITablo QUADTablo QUAD HDMI



Please see below for a Quick Reference Chart as to which legacy Tablo OTA DVR is right for you:


Please also see the Product Comparison Chart below: