Tablo Lifetime TV Guide Data Subscription Price Increase FAQ

Tablo David
Tablo David
  • Updated


This is a legacy article. Tablo 4th Generation DVRs do not have, nor require, any subscription services.

On April 6th 2021, pricing for Lifetime TV Guide Data Service subscription plans was increased to $179.99 USD or $239.99 CAD.

As of August 30th 2022, Lifetime subscription plans were sunsetted and are no longer available for purchase.


Frequently Asked Questions

I have a Lifetime TV Guide Data Service subscription. Will the April 6th 2021 price change ever affect me?
No. This pricing change only affected new customers purchasing Lifetime TV Guide Data Service subscriptions between April 6th 2021 and August 30th 2022.


I have a Monthly or Yearly TV Guide Data Service Subscription. Will this affect me?
No, this particular change did not.

However, yearly TV Guide Data Service subscriptions were sunset on August 28th 2023. Those who had such before that point were able to keep them.

Pricing and access has remained unchanged for monthly subscriptions.


I have a yearly TV Guide Data Service Subscription but Would Like to Upgrade to a Lifetime Plan, Can I Do So?
As of August 30th 2022, we no longer sell lifetime subscription plans. However, our 4th Generation Tablo DVRs require no subscription services at all.