This is a legacy article. 4th Generation apps include 14-day Live TV grid guide by default, at no cost to you.
By default and regardless of TV Guide Service subscription status, some legacy Tablo apps (Android mobile, web app, Windows 10, Apple TV) will only show 24 hours of data within the Live TV Grid guide.
The Tablo app for iOS (iPhone/iPad), the Tablo app for Amazon Fire TV, the Tablo app for Android TV and the interface on the Tablo DUAL HDMI or QUAD HDMI will show 14 days by default with an active subscription.
On Roku, customers with active TV Guide Data Service subscriptions can enable an enhanced Live TV Grid guide which displays all 14 days of data.
Simply go to the SETTINGS screen in your Roku and enable the 14-Day Live TV Grid feature.
If your streaming TV device is older, or if your network is slower, this could slow down navigation within the Live TV Grid. If you find this is the case, you can easily disable this feature and return to the standard 24-hour view.