How to Switch from Cloud DVR Service to a Hard Drive for Recording Storage

Tablo David
Tablo David
  • Updated

If you've been using Cloud DVR but would like to transition to using a compatible USB-connected hard drive for recording storage, take the following steps:


1. Plug your hard drive into the Tablo's USB port.

2. Reboot your Tablo by tappings its blue reset button. Wait 1-2 minutes for the Tablo's blue LED to stop flashing.

3. Connect to your Tablo using the Android, iOS, or web-based application. 

4. Within 10-15 seconds, you should receive an on-screen format prompt which will prepare your hard drive for use with Tablo. If you do not receive this prompt, navigate to the Settings screen.

5. Follow the on-screen prompts, ensuring to type the word FORMAT in all caps.  


While an external hard drive is connected to your Tablo DUAL LITE, it will default to using that drive as its primary storage device.

All future recordings will be saved to this disk.

Any recordings which were previously saved to your Tablo Cloud DVR account will remain accessible by the Tablo for 30 days after you cancel your Cloud DVR subscription. They cannot be transferred to the hard drive.