How Does 4th Generation Tablo Handle Daylight Savings Time and Other Time Zone Changes?

Tablo Support - Chris
Tablo Support - Chris
  • Updated


This is a 4th Generation Tablo article. To access a legacy version of this, go here.

If you are using an active VPN the Tablo will not obtain the proper time zone and your recordings may occur at an incorrect times.


Tablo obtains its time zone information from the channel scan during setup. If the time zone is set correctly during the channel scan, daylight savings and other time changes should be automatic and require no intervention.

If you've recently experienced a time change and your Tablo does not appear to have updated its time setting, verify that your time setting is correct on your viewing device. 

If the setting on your device is wrong and you cannot resolve it, it's possible the NTP (Network Time Protocol) your ISP is providing is incorrect, and you should reach out to them.

If your device time is correct but your Tablo time is not, then take following steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Open your Tablo app and go to SETTINGS > GUIDE > LOCATION.

The app will walk you through setting up your location and running a new channel scan. Once this is done, this should resolve the issue.


If you need further help feel free to reach out to our Support Team.