Using Closed Captions (CC) on Legacy Tablo Apps

Tablo David
Tablo David
  • Updated


This is a legacy article. If you are looking for details on using closed captions (CC) on 4th Generation Tablo apps, click here


The legacy Tablo app for LG webOS smart TVs does not support closed captioning as the player software does not support it.


Tablo supports closed captioning on most of its legacy app platforms. You can find instructions for how to turn this feature on by clicking one of the table of contents links below.


Table of Contents


Changing the Appears of Closed Captions

If you find that the closed captions are too small to read, most streaming platforms have system-level settings (usually found under ACCESSIBILITY) that will allow you to adjust not only when closed captions appear but the size, background color and, in some cases, even the font. Get instructions for adjusting closed captioning below:

iOS Smartphones and Tablets

To enable, simply select the closed captioning button in the bottom right-hand corner of the player.




Android Smartphones and Tablets

To enable, simply select the closed captioning button near the top right-hand corner of the player. 




To enable, simply select the star (*) button on the Roku remote. Under ACCESSIBILITY & CAPTIONS, you will have the option to turn on closed captions. 


Apple TV

To enable on the 4th Generation Apple TV, use the remote to swipe down from the top and select SUBTILES  > CC



Android TV

To enable, press down for settings. From there you will be able to enable Closed Captions by toggling it on.


Amazon Fire TV

To enable, press down for settings. From there you will be able to enable Closed Captions by toggling it on.



Tablo's Web App

To enable, select the closed captioning button located at the bottom of the player.




TV-Connected Tablo DVR Interface (Tablo DUAL HDMI, Tablo QUAD HDMI)

To enable, press the down button on the directional pad of your Tablo HDMI remote. From there you will see an option to enable Closed Captions.


Tablo's Samsung TIZEN Smart TV App

To enable, on your Samsung Smart TV's menu go to SETTINGS > SYSTEM > ACCESSIBILITY -> CAPTION > ON

Select Samsung smart TVs running the TIZEN OS may offer a Tablo app however, this app is no longer supported.