Fast-Forward Preview thumbnails are supported by all Tablo applications except iOS devices (iPhones and iPads). These thumbnails are created after the recording is completed. This is done by re-processing the recording using one of Tablo’s available tuners. This means Live TV and in-progress recordings will not have any Fast-Forward Previews.
If there is a tuner available, an hour-long recording should show Fast-Forward Previews approximately 4 minutes after the recording has finished. Longer recordings will require additional time for processing.
If multiple recordings finish at the same time, these will be processed using the same tuner, one after another. For example, if you have 4 one-hour recordings which end at the same time, it will take approximately 16 minutes for all four recordings to show Fast-Forward Preview thumbnails.
Why Don’t I Always See Fast Forward Preview Thumbnails on Tablo?
If there are no tuners available to process the completed recording, your DVR will wait until those tasks are completed before it is able to process the Fast-Forward Previews. A tuner is used anytime you are watching Live TV or recording.
If your Tablo experiences any errors during the recording process, such as a degradation of your Over-the-Air signal, this may cause the Tablo to be unable to process the Fast-Forward Previews.
It is possible to force Tablo to re-try processing a recording for Fast-Forward Preview thumbails by quickly pressing and releasing the blue reset button on the rear of the network-connected Tablo, or by completing a power cycle of a TV-connected Tablo.
During the boot-up process, recordings without Fast-Forward Previews are identified and a second attempt will be made; however, if there is indeed an error in the recording, it’s unlikely a re-try will be successful.